Genetic and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveal the Molecular Basis of Photoperiod-Regulated Flowering in Xishuangbanna Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var. xishuangbannesis Qi et Yuan)-中国-肯尼亚作物分子生物学‘一带一路’联合实验室美高梅正规网址



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Genetic and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveal the Molecular Basis of Photoperiod-Regulated Flowering in Xishuangbanna Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var. xishuangbannesis Qi et Yuan)

发布日期:2021-07-14    作者     来源:美高梅正规网址-     点击:

Zhen Tian, Molly Jahn , Xiaodong Qin, Hesbon Ochieng Obel, Fan Yang , Ji Li ,and Jinfeng Chen


Xishuangbanna (XIS) cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var. xishuangbannesis Qi et Yuan), is a botanical variety of cucumber cultivars native to southwest China that possesses

excellent agronomic traits for cucumber improvement. However, breeding utilization of XIS cucumber is limited due to the current poor understanding of its photoperiod-sensitive flowering characteristics. In this study, genetic and transcriptomic analysis were conducted to reveal the molecular basis of photoperiodregulated flowering in XIS cucumber. A major-effect QTL locus DFF1.1 was identified that controls the days to first flowering (DFF) of XIS cucumbers with a span of 1.38 Mb. Whole-genome resequencing data of 9 cucumber varieties with different flowering characteristics in response to photoperiod suggested that CsaNFYA1 was the candidate gene of DFF1.1, which harbored a single non-synonymous mutation in its fifth exon. Transcriptomic analysis revealed the positive roles of auxin and ethylene in accelerating flowering under short-day (SD) light-dark cycles when compared with equal-day/night treatment. Carbohydrate storage and high expression levels of related genes were important reasons explaining early flowering of XIS cucumber under SD conditions. By combining with the RNA-Seq data, the co-expression network suggested that CsaNFYA1 integrated multiple types of genes to regulate the flowering of XIS cucumber. Our findings explain the internal regulatory mechanisms of a photoperiodic flowering pathway. These findings may guide the use ofphotoperiod shifts to promote flowering of photoperiod-sensitive crops.

Genes,12 July, 2021. DOI: