Dissection of the Complex Transcription and Metabolism Regulation Networks Associated with Maize Resistance to Ustilago maydis-中国-肯尼亚作物分子生物学‘一带一路’联合实验室-www.9844.com




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Dissection of the Complex Transcription and Metabolism Regulation Networks Associated with Maize Resistance to Ustilago maydis

发布日期:2021-11-14    作者:www.9844.com-     来源:美高梅正规网址-     点击:

Xinsen Ruan, Liang Ma , Yingying Zhang, Qing Wang and Xiquan Gao

Abstract: The biotrophic fungal pathogen Ustilago maydis causes common smut in maize, forming tumors on all aerial organs, especially on reproductive organs, leading to significant reduction in yield and quality defects. Resistance to U. maydis is thought to be a quantitative trait, likely controlled by many minor gene effects. However, the genes and the underlying complex mechanisms for maize resistance to U. maydis remain largely uncharacterized. Here, we conducted comparative transcriptome and metabolome study using a pair of maize lines with contrast resistance to U. maydis post-infection. WGCNA of transcriptome profiling reveals that defense response, photosynthesis, and cell cycle are critical processes in maize response to U. maydis, and metabolism regulation of glycolysis, amino acids, phenylpropanoid, and reactive oxygen species are closely correlated with defense response. Metabolomic analysis supported that phenylpropanoid and flavonoid biosynthesi was induced upon U. maydis infection, and an obviously higher content of shikimic acid, a key compound in glycolysis and aromatic amino acids biosynthesis pathways, was detected in resistant samples. Thus, we propose that complex gene co-expression and metabolism networks related to

amino acids and ROS metabolism might contribute to the resistance to corn smut.

Keywords: maize; resistance; transcriptome; metabolome; Ustilago maydis

Genes, 12 November 2021, DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/genes12111789