


发布日期: 2016-11-14浏览次数:






团队成员:万群 教授,马保亮 讲师

课题负责人简介:万群,美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com)理学院教授、博士生导师。2008年博士毕业于美国佛蒙特大学分子生理与生物物理专业,曾在美国能源部橡树岭国家实验室、美国凯斯西储大学药理系从事博士后的研究工作,后在上海美迪西生物制药有限公司担任药物开发部主任,2015年到美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com)理学院工作。在PNASStructureJBCJMB等杂志发表22篇论文,SCI影响因子总计60,并被CellPNASNat Struct Biol等权威杂志引用超过250次。为J.Struct Biol,Acta Cryst Sect DPlons OneSci RepSCI杂志审稿人。


国家自然科学基金面上项目,木聚糖酶催化反应机理的研究及耐酸碱突变体的设计,负责人 万群,2017-2020

江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,应用中子衍射技术研究糖苷水解酶的催化反应机理,负责人 万群,2016-2019

教育部留学人员科研启动基金,基于晶体结构的驱动蛋白ATP水解机制的研究和抗癌药物设计,负责人 万群,2014-2016

天然药物活性组分与药效国家重点实验室开放研究基金,作为二氢叶酸还原酶抑制剂的茶多酚的改性研究,负责人 万群,2016-2017




Wan Q., Parks J.M., Hanson B.L., Fisher S.Z., Ostermann A., Schrader T.E., Graham D., Coates L., Langan P., Kovalevsky, A. Direct determination of protonation states and visualization of hydrogen bonding in a glycoside hydrolase with neutron crystallography. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112(40): 12384-12389, October 6, 2015 (影响因子:9.6).

Wan Q., Bennett C.B.,Wilson A.W., Kovalevsky A., Langan P., Howell E., Dealwis C.G. Toward resolving the catalytic mechanism of dihydrofolate reductase using neutron and ultrahigh resolution X-ray crystallography. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 111(51):18225-18230, Decemer 23, 2014 (影响因子:9.8).

Wan Q., Zhang Q., Hamilton-Brehm S., Weiss K., Mustyakimov M., Graham D., Coates L., Langan P., Graham D. and Kovalevsky A. X-ray crystallographic studies of family 11 xylanase Michaelis and product complexes: implications for the catalytic mechanism. Acta Cryst D70:11-23. January, 2014 (影响因子:7.2封面文章).

Wan Q., Ahmad M. F., Fairman J., Gorzelle B., Fuente M., Dealwis C. G., Maguire M. X-ray Crystallography and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry Studies of Salmonella Znic Transporter ZntB. Structure. 19(5):700-710. May 2011.(影响因子:6.3

Miyagi M., Wan, Q.(并列第一作者), Ahmad M. F., Gokulrangan G., Tomechko S. E., Bennett B., Dealwis C. G. Histidine Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry for Probing the Microenvironment of Histidine Residues in Dihydrofolate Reductase. PLoS One. 6(2): e17055. February 2011.(影响因子:4.3

Bennett B. C., Wan Q.(并列第一作者), Ahmad M. F., Dealwis C. G. X-ray structure of the ternary MTX·NADPH complex of the anthrax dihydrofolate reductase: A pharmacophore for dual-site inhibitor design. J. Struct. Biol 166(2): 162-171. May 2009.(影响因子:3.7

Ahmad M. F., Wan Q. (并列第一作者), Jha, S., Motea, E., Berdis, A., Dealwis C.G. Evaluating the Therapeutic Potential of a Non-Natural Nucleotide that Inhibits Human Ribonucleotide Reductase. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. August 28, 2012; 11(10):2077-2086 (影响因子:5.1)

Wijerathna, S.R., Ahmad M. F., Xu, H., Fairman J, Zhang, J., Kaushal, P.S., Wan, Q., Kiser, J.Y., and Dealwis, C.G. Targeting the Large Subunit of Human Ribonucleotide Reductase for Cancer Chemotherapy. Pharmaceuticals. 2011, 4(10), 1328-1354. (影响因子:3.2

Ahmad M.F., Kaushal P.S., Wan Q., Wijerathna S.R., An X., Huang M., Dealwis C.G. Role of Arginine 293 and Glutamine 288 in Communication between Catalytic and Allosteric Sites in Yeast Ribonucleotide Reductase. J. Mol. Biol 419(5): 315-29. March 2012. (影响因子:4.1)

Nair U. B, Joel P. B, Wan Q., Lowey S., Rould M. A, Trybus K. M. Crystal Structures of Monomeric Actin bound to Cytochalasin D. J. Mol. Biol., 384(4):848-864. October 2008.(影响因子:4.1

Rould M. A., Wan Q., Joel P. B, Lowey S., Trybus K. M. Crystal structures of expressed non-polymerizable monomeric actin in the ADP and ATP states. J. Biol. Chem., 28142: 31909-31919. August 2006.(影响因子:5.8