Shiqiang Ju-College of Veterinary美高梅正规网址


Shiqiang Ju

Updated: 2018-07-23    Read:

 Basic Information        


Teacher Name:Shiqiang Ju

Job Title: Associate professor


AddressCollege of Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing

Agricultural University, No.1 Weigang, Nanjing, Jiangsu

210095, P.R. China

Research Areas and Descriptors

Reproductive regulation, Embryo biotechnology and

Obstetric diseases.



Personal profile:

Education and work

B.S., Veterinary Medicine,Nanjing Agricultural University, 2000-2004

M.S-Ph.D., Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing Agricultural University,2004-2010

Lecturer,Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing Agricultural University, 2010-2012

Associate professor, Veterinary Medicine,Nanjing Agricultural University, 2013-now

Visiting Scholar, Reproductive biology,University of California, Davis, USA2018-2019

Research Interest

Reproductive biology andEmbryo biotechnology

We use a series of embryonic biotechnologies,such as somatic cell cloning (SCNT), monospermy injection (ICSI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), to studygamete and embryo development and regulation,with emphasis on gamete-to-embryo transitionandembryonic gene activation.My current research at is focused on the function and regulate mechanism of protein kinase (such as aurora and polo-like family) in the meiosis or mitosis during the special oocytes-to- embryos transition.

Research Projects

v  National Natural Science Foundationof China (General Program 31572589 )

  NAME: Roles of PLK1 kinase in the early mitosis of porcine cloned embryos

 TIME: 2016.1-2019.12

v  National Natural Science Foundation of China ( Youth Program 31201967)

NAME: Study on function and mechanism of Aurora-A in the first mitosis of porcine embryos

TIME: 2013.1-2015.12

v  Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (20120097120007)

  NAME: The role of Aurora-B kinase in the first mitosis of porcine cloned embryos

 TIME: 2013.1-2015.12

Awards and Honors

1         “Excellent gardener award” for China new age clinical vet education, 2017

2         “Excellent Teacher Award” in the teaching quality evaluation of Nanjing Agricultural University in the second semester of 2015-2016 school year

3         “Excellent Paper Award” of 2015 Veterinary obstetric branch’s academic annual meeting of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine

4         “Excellent Teacher Award” in the teaching quality evaluation of Nanjing Agricultural University in the second semester of 2014-2015 school year

5         “Teaching Quality Excellence Award” of Nanjing Agricultural University in 2015

6         “First prize” in the ‘Young teacher teaching competition of Nanjing Agricultural University’ in 2014

7         “First prize” in the ‘Young teacher teaching competition of Veterinary Medicine College’ in 2014

Selected Publications:

1         Liao Y, Lin D, Cui P, Abbasi B, Chen C, Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Dong Y, Rui R,Ju S*. Plk1 inhibition results in misaligned chromosomes and aberrant spindles in porcine oocytes during the first meiotic division[J]. ReprodDomest Anim. 2018 Feb;53(1):256-265 (DOI: 10.1111/rda.13102)

2         Zhang Z, Chen C, Ma L, Yu Q, Li S, Abbasi B, Yang J, Rui R,Ju S* . Plk1 is essential for proper chromosome segregation during meiosis I/meiosis II transitionin pig oocytes[J]. ReprodBiolEndocrinol. 2017 Aug 29;15(1):69.(Doi: 10.1186/s12958-017-0289-7)

3         Chen C,Zhang Z, Cui P, Liao Y, Zhang Y, Yao L, Rui R,Ju S*. Phosphorylation of histone H3 on Ser-10 by Aurora Bis essential for chromosome condensation in porcineembryos during the first mitotic division[J].Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2017 Jul;148(1):73-83. (Doi:10.1007/s00418-017-1546-8.)

4         Zhang Z, Chen C, Cui P, Liao Y, Yao L, Zhang Y, Rui R, Ju S*.Plk1 inhibition leads to a failure of mitotic division during the first mitotic division in pig embryos[J].J Assist Reprod Genet.2017 Mar;34(3):399-407.

5         Ju S, Peng X, Yang X, Sozar S, Muneri CW, Xu Y, Chen C, Cui P, Xu W, Rui R*. Aurora B inhibitor barasertib prevents meiotic maturation and subsequent embryo development in pig oocytes [J].Theriogenology, 2016, 86 (2) 503–515.

6         LIAO Ya-Ya, LIN De-Feng, ZHANG Zi-Xiao, ZHANG Yue, DONG Yan, RUIRong, JU Shi-Qiang*

Effects of Plk1 on Meiotic Spindle Structure of Porcine(Susscrofa) Oocytes during MI Stage[J].Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology,2018, 04, 626-634.(in Chinese)

7         CUI Pan-Pan YANG Xiao-Liu CHEN Chang-Chao WANG Ling-Yi SUN Jia-Hao JIN Sha-Sha, RUI Rong,JU Shi-Qiang*.Effect of Aurora A on Spindle Structure During Porcine (Susscrofa)Oocyte-to-embryo Transition[J].Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology,2016, 24(4): 488-496.(in Chinese)

8         CHEN ChangchaoWANG lingyiSUN Jiahao JIN Shasha,RUI ongJU Shiqiang*.Effects of colchicine on the M spindle structure andin vitro maturation of porcine oocytes.Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University.2016, 39( 5) : 825-830.(in Chinese)

9         Wang ZJu S*Rui R. From mitosis to carcinogenesis, the research progress on Plk1’s function [J] ActaVeterinaria et ZootechnicaSinica2015; 46(5):681-688. (in Chinese)

10     Luo B, Ju S, Muneri CW, Rui R*. Effects of Histone Acetylation Status on the EarlyDevelopment of In Vitro Porcine Transgenic Cloned Embryos[J]. Cell Reprogram. 2015; 17(1):41-8.

11     Peng X,Ju S, Xu Y, Yang X, Rui R*. Localization and Function of Aurora-B in Pig Oocytes [J], Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2014,22 (6): 681-689. (in Chinese)

12     Luo B, Ju S, Wang B, Rui R*. A possible strategy to produce pigs resistant to porcine reproductiveand respiratory syndrome virus.Antiviral Research. 2013; 99(2):158-64.

13     Ju S, Rui R*. Expression and function of microRNA in pluripotent stem cells [J]. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University201349(2):1-6 (in Chinese)

14     Ju S, Rui R*. Effects of cumulus cells on in vitro maturation of oocytes and development of cloned embryos in the pig. ReprodDomestAnim[J]. 2012, 47(4):521-9.

15     Ju SZhao X, Zhang Y et al. Vitrification of embryos derived from mouse-pig interspecies nuclear transferr [J]. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University,2012; 35(2):115-119. (in Chinese)

16     Ju SGuo HWang L et al. Apoptotic Law of Porcine Cloned Embryos during Development in vitro[J]. ActaVeterinaria et Zoot echni ca S inica2010416):678-684. (in Chinese)

17     Ju S, Rui R*, Lu Q, Lin P, Guo H. Analysis of apoptosis and methyltransferase mRNA expression in porcine cloned embryos cultured in vitro[J]. J Assist ReprodGeneti. 2010, 27(1):49-59.