



文章作者:www.9844.com-www.9844.com- 档案馆 发布日期: 2015-12-10

    美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com)教授,博士生导师,美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com)杂草研究室主任,江苏省杂草防治工程技术中心主任,教育部大学生物学课程教学指导委员会委员,中国植保学会杂草学研究会副理事长,江苏省杂草研究会理事长,中国农业生物技术学会常务理事、生物安全委员会副主任,江苏省植物学会副理事长,《杂草科学》主编以及国内外5个学术期刊(SCI期刊2)编委。入选国家高层次人才特殊支持计划“万人计划”领军人才。先后获国家高等教育教学名师奖、全国优秀科技工作者、国务院特殊津贴以及校师德标兵、教学质量标兵等荣誉称号。主编的教材及网络课程、数字课程先后入选面向21世纪以及十五、十一五和十二五规划教材。主讲的植物学课程入选首批国家精品课程和植物与生活第三批国家精品视频公开课。主持完成的植物学课程建设及教学改革等成果获得国家教学成果二等奖、江苏省教学成果特、一等奖3项以及教材、多媒体和网络课程奖等10余项。主要科学研究方向为杂草生物生态学及可持续管理、外来植物入侵生物学、转基因植物的环境安全。先后主持或参加完成国家“863”重大项目、转基因重大专项、“973”项目、国家自然科学基金和国际协作等项目50余项。发表论文350余篇(其中SCI 60篇)、专著和教材11部。获省部科研成果奖5项。获国内外发明专利15项,其中日本和美国各1项,申请10余项,国际PCT2项。  



1、 国家精品资源共享课程《植物学》2013

2、 国家精品视频公开课程《植物与生活》2012-2013








1、改善教学组织管理是扭转教师在教学活动中被边缘化倾向的关键. 中国大学教学,2015,297:14-17,32.

2、如何打造植物学国家级精品资源共享课程——理念与行动. 中国大学教学,2013(8),32-37













2、强胜主编,国家十五规划教材《植物学》数字课程,高等教育出版社,2009 年











5、美国USDA项目:外来入侵植物柔枝莠竹天敌病原生物调查及生物活性评价(2014.8-2016.12,64万, 14-IC-11420004-174),课题主持人

6、国家基础研究专项(973项目the State Key Basic Research)重要外来物种入侵的生态影响机制与监控基础.(2009年1月-2014年12月,40万元,2009CB119202),子课题主持人


1. Xie H. J., Li H., Liu D., Dai W. M. , He J. Y., Lin S., Duan H., Liu L. L., Chen S. G., Song X. L.,  Valverde B. E. and Qiang S.*. ICE1 demethylation drives the range expansion of a plant invader through cold tolerance divergence. Molecular Ecology, 2015, 24, 835–850. (IF: 6.49)

2. Zhang JX, Lu ZM, Dai WM, Song XL, Peng YF, Vevalder BE, Qiang S*. Cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility gene provides direct evidence for some hybrid rice recently evolving into weedy rice.Scientific Reports, 05/2015; 5. DOI: 10.1038/srep10591 (IF: 5.58).

3. Mao C J, Xie H J, Chen SG, Valverde B E., Qiang S*. Multiple mechanism confers natural tolerance of three lilyturf species to glyphosate. Planta, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s00425-015-2408-z (IF: 3.63)

4. Zheng Zhang, Weimin Dai, Xiaoling Song and Sheng Qiang*. A model of the relationship between weedy rice seed-bank dynamics and rice-crop infestation and damage in Jiangsu Province, China. Pest Management Science. 2014, 70(3): 716–724. DOI: 10.1002/ps.3649. (IF: 2.56)

5. Lei Dai, Weimin Dai, Xiaoling Song, Baorong Lu, Sheng Qiang*. A comparative study of competitiveness between different genotypes of weedy rice (Oryza sativa) and cultivated rice. Pest Management Science, 2014, 70(1):113–122 . 03/2013; DOI:10.1002/ps.3534 (IF: 2.56)

6. RY Shirk, JL Hamrick, C Zhang and S Qiang. Patterns of genetic diversity reveal multiple introductions and recurrent founder effects during range expansion in invasive populations of Geranium carolinianum (Geraniaceae). Heredity (2014) 112, 497–507 (IF:3.80)

7. WANG Jianshu , WANG Xuemin , YUAN Bohua and QIANG Sheng*. Differential gene expression for Curvularia eragrostidis pathogenic incidence in crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) revealed by cDNA-AFLP analysis, PloS One, 2013. 8(10):e75430(IF: 3.73)

8. CHEN Guo-qi, HE Yunhe, QIANG Sheng*. Increasing seriousness of plant invasions in croplands of eastern China in relation to changing farming practices: A case study. Plos One, (2013), 8(9):e74136(IF: 3.73)

9. CHEN Guo-qi, ZHANG Chao-bin1, MA Ling, QIANG Sheng*, John A Silander and Li Li Qi. Biotic Homogenization Caused by the Invasion of Solidago canadensis in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(5): 835-845(IF:0.63)

10. Wei Tang, Jing Kuang & Sheng Qiang*. Biological control of the invasive alien weed Solidago canadensis: combining an indigenous fungal isolate of Sclerotium rolfsii SC64 with mechanical control. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 2013, 23(10): 1123-1136. DOI:10.1080/09583157.2013.820255.(IF 0.71) 

11. Shiguo Chen, Chunyan Yin, Reto J?rg Strasser, Govindjee, Chunlong Yang, Sheng Qiang*. Reactive oxygen species from chloroplasts contribute to 3-acetyl-5-isopropyltetramic acid-induced leaf necrosis of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2012, 52:38-51.(IF 2.40)

12. Li SS, Wei SH, Zuo RL, Wei JG, Qiang S*. Changes in the weed seed bank over 9 consecutive years of rice-duck cropping system. Crop Proctection, 2012, 37:42-50.(IF 1.52)

13. Lianju Zhang, Weimin Dai, Chuan Wu, Xiaoling Song, Sheng Qiang*. Genetic diversity and origin of Japonica- and Indica-like rice biotypes of weedy rice in the Guangdong and Liaoning provinces of China. Genetic Resource and Crop Evolution(SCI), 2012, 59(3):399-410. DOI 10.1007/s10722-011-9690-9 (IF 1.54)

14. Chao-he Huangfu, Sheng Qiang*, Xiao-ling Song. Performance of hybrids between transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and wild Brassica juncea: An evaluation of potential for transgene escape. Crop Protection(SCI), 2011, 30:57-62  doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2010.09.009  (IF 1.49)

15. Jiao Zuo, Lianju Zhang, Xiaoling Song, Weimin Dai, Sheng Qiang*. Innate factors causing differences in gene flow frequency from transgenic rice to different weedy rice biotypes. Pest Management Science(SCI), 2011, 67: 677–690. DOI 10.1002/ps.2108 (IF 2.31)

16. Jian H. Hao, Sheng Qiang*, Thomas Chrobock, Mark van Kleunen, Qian Q. Liu. A test of baker’s law: breeding systems of invasive species of Asteraceae in China. Biological Invasions(SCI), 2011, 13:571–580. DOI 10.1007/s10530-010-9850-4  (IF 3.47)

17. Xiaoling Song, Zhou Wang, Sheng Qiang*. Agronomic performance of F1, F2 and F3 hybrids between weedy rice and transgenic glufosinate –resistant rice. Pest Management Science(SCI), 2011, 67(8): 921–931 DOI: 10.1002/ps.2132 (IF 2.31)

18. Shiguo Chen, Fengyan Zhou, Chunyan Yin, Reto J?rg Strasser, Chunlong Yang, Sheng Qiang*. Application of fast chlorophyll a ?uorescence kinetics to probe action target of 3-acetyl-5-isopropyltetramic acid. Environmantal & Experimental Botany(SCI), (2011), 71: 269-279. doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2010.12.013 (IF 2.7)

19. Wei Tang; Yun-Zhi Zhu; Hua-Qi He; Sheng Qiang*; Bruce A Auld. Field evaluation of Sclerotium rolfsii, a biological control agent for broadleaf weeds in dry, direct-seeded rice. Crop Protection(SCI), 2011, 30: 1315-1320 (IF 1.52)

20. Wei Tang, Yun-Zhi Zhu, Hua-Qi He, Sheng Qiang*, Bruce A Auld. Effect of environmental factors and precursors on oxalic acid production, mycelial biomass and virulence of a potential bioherbicide isolate of Sclerotium rolfsii SC64 produced in liquid culture.2011, Biocontrol Science and Technology, 2011, 21(8):917-927 (IF 0.88)

21. Chen SG, Yan CY, Qiang S*, Zhou FY, Dai XB. Chloroplastic oxidative burst induced by tenuazonic acid, a natural inhibitor, triggers cell necrosis in Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics (SCI), 2010,1797:391-405(IF 5.13) 

22. Song XL, Liu LL, Wang Z, Qiang S*. Potential gene flow of two herbicide-tolerant transgenes rom oilseed rape to wild B. juncea var.  gracilis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (SCI),2010, 20:1501–1510. DOI 10.1007/s00122-010-1271-3 (IF 3.36) 

23. Reto J. Strasser, Merope Tsimilli-Michael, Sheng Qiang, Vasilij Goltsev. Simultaneous in vivo recording of prompt and delayed fluorescence and 820-nm reflection changes during drying and after rehydration of the resurrection plant Haberlea rhodopensis. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics (SCI), 2010,1797(6-7): 1313-1326, doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2010.03.008 (IF5.13)

24. Sheng Qiang*, Ling Wang, Ran Wei, Bing Zhou, Shiguo Chen, Yunzhi Zhu, Yunfa Dong, and Chuanfu An. Bioassay of the herbicidal activity of AAC-Toxin produced by Alternaria alternata isolated from Ageratina adenophora. Weed Technology(SCI) 2010 24:197–201 DOI: 10.1614/WT-D-09-00016.1 (IF 0.93)

25. Wei Tang, Yunzhi Zhu, Huaqi He, Sheng Qiang*. First Report of Southern Blight on Canadian Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in China. Plant Disease(SCI), 2010,  94(9): 1172. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-94-9-1172B (IF 2.12)


1、 江苏省科技进步二等奖,江苏省人民政府,第一完成人,2012年2月

2、 全国优秀科技工作者,中国科学技术协会,(2010)

3、 江苏省科技进步三等奖,江苏省人民政府,第一完成人,2008年12月

4、 江苏省优秀科技工作者,江苏省科学技术协会,(2008)

5、 国务院政府特殊津贴,国务院,(2004年度,证书号3600203)
