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来源: 发布时间 : 2021-06-03 点击量:








美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com) 副教授





















2021年,美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com)大学生志愿者暑期 “三下乡”社会实践活动优秀指导教师。






1)国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于培养组研究奶牛瘤胃胆碱降解菌代谢机制及营养调控” 32272896,主持,2023.01.01-2026.12.31.



4)国家自然科学基金面上项目“奶牛瘤胃Methanomassiliicoccales的微生态学及其调控宿主甲基化合物代谢的机制”,主持,2019.01 -2022.12.


6)中央高校基本科研业务费 “反刍动物瘤胃甲烷菌第七目菌株基因组特性及特异蛋白的功能解析”,主持,2018.01-2018.12。







1. Lai Zheng, Zhan Xiaoxiu, Lin Limei, Zhang Jiyou, Qi Weibiao, Yang Huisheng, Mao Shengyong, Jin Wei (通讯作者). High grain diet feeding alters ileal microbiota and disrupts bile acid metabolism in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science, 2023, skad278. http://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skad278

2. Li Jichao, Shengwei Zhao, Zhenxiang Meng, Yunlong Gao, Jing Miao, Shengyong Mao, and Wei Jin(通讯作者). Effects of Fumarate and Nitroglycerin on In Vitro Rumen Fermentation, Methane and Hydrogen Production, and on Microbiota. Biology, 2023, 12(7): 1011.

3. Zihao Li, Yang Fan, Hao Bai, Jiyou Zhang, Shengyong Mao, Wei Jin(通讯作者), Live yeast supplementation altered the bacterial community’s composition and function in rumen and hindgut and alleviated the detrimental effects of heat stress on dairy cows, Journal of Animal Science, 2023, 101: skac410.

4. Wang, Y.; Li, Z.; Jin, W(通讯作者).; Mao, S. Isolation and Characterization of Ruminal Yeast Strain with Probiotic Potential and Its Effects on Growth Performance, Nutrients Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation and Microbiota of Hu Sheep. Journal of Fungi 2022, 8(12):1260.

5. Jiang, Q., Lin, L., Xie, F., Jin W., … Mao Shengyong. Metagenomic insights into the microbe-mediated B and K2 vitamin biosynthesis in the gastrointestinal microbiome of ruminants. Microbiome 2022, 10: 109.

6. Zhang Jiyou, Jin Wei(通讯作者), Jiang Yun, Xie Fei, Mao Shengyong. Response of Milk Performance, Rumen and Hindgut Microbiome to Dietary Supplementation with Aspergillus oryzae Fermentation Extracts in Dairy Cows. Current Microbiology, 2022, 79: 113.

7. Xie Fei#, Jin Wei#(并列第一作者), Si Huazhe#, Yuan Yuan#, Tao Ye, Liu Junhua, Wang Xiaoxu, Yang Chengjian, Li Qiushuang, Yan Xiaoting, Lin Limei, Jiang Qian, Zhang Lei, Guo Changzheng, Greening Chris, Heller Rasmus, Guan Le Luo, Pope Phillip B., Tan Zhiliang, Zhu Weiyun, Wang Min, Qiu Qiang, Li Zhipeng, Mao Shengyong. An integrated gene catalog and over 10,000 metagenome-assembled genomes from the gastrointestinal microbiome of ruminants. Microbiome, 2021, 9:137.

8. Zhou Yang, Jin Wei (通讯作者), Xie Fei, Mao Shengyong, Cheng Yanfen, Zhu Weiyun. The role of Methanomassiliicoccales in trimethylamine metabolism in the rumen of dairy cows. Animal, 2021, 15(7): 100259.

9. 周阳, 梅士俊, 毛胜勇, 金巍 (通讯作者). 饲粮氯化胆碱含量对湖羊瘤胃菌群和血浆氧化三甲胺含量的影响. 动物营养学报, 2021,33( 5): 2786-2794.

10. 金巍,成艳芬,毛胜勇,朱伟云 (2021). 瘤胃甲烷菌的分离培养与保存. Bio-101 e2003556. Doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2003556.

11. 周阳,金巍 (通讯作者),向小娥,成艳芬,朱伟云. 一种利用气相色谱快速检测瘤胃体外发酵液中三甲胺浓度的方法. 动物营养学报. 2021,33(01): 594-600.

12. 周阳, 黎印, 金巍 (通讯作者), 成艳芬, 朱伟云.瘤胃甲烷菌第七目的研究进展. 微生物学报. 2020, 60(1): 1-12.

13. Jin W, Zhang Z, Zhu K, Xue Y, Xie F, Mao S. Comprehensive Understanding of the Bacterial Populations and Metabolites Profile of Fermented Feed by 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing and Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry. Metabolites, 2019, 9(10): E239.

14. Xie F, Zhang L, Jin W (通讯作者), Meng Z, Cheng Y, Wang J, Zhu W. Methane emission, rumen fermentation, and microbial community response to a nitrooxy compound in low-quality forage fed Hu sheep. Current Microbiology, 2019, 76(4):435-441.

15. Zhang RY, Liu YJ, Yin YY, Jin W, Mao SY, Liu JH. Response of rumen microbiota, and metabolic profiles of rumen fluid, liver and serum of goats to high-grain diets. Animal, 2019, 13(9): 1855-1864.

16. Cheng Y, Shi Q, Sun R, Liang D, Li Y, Li Y, Jin W, Zhu W. The biotechnological potential of anaerobic fungi on fiber degradation and methane production. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2018, 34(10):155.

17. Jin W, Li Y, Cheng Y, Mao S, Zhu W. The bacterial and archaeal community structures and methanogenic potential of the cecal microbiota of goats fed with hay and high-grain diets. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2018, 111(11):2037-2049.

18. Zhang RY, Jin W, Feng PF, Liu JH, Mao SY. High-grain diet feeding altered the composition and functions of the rumen bacterial community and caused the damage to the laminar tissues of goats. Animal, 2018, 19:1-10.

19. 孟振祥, 李袁飞, 孙若琳, 金巍 (通讯作者), 成艳芬, 朱伟云. 三硝酸丙酸酯对厌氧真菌和甲烷菌代谢产物、纤维水解酶活性及菌群丰度的影响. 微生物学通报. 2018,45(6):1295-1302.

20. Jin W, Wang Y, Li Y, Cheng Y, Zhu W. Temporal changes of the bacterial community colonizing wheat straw in the cow rumen. Anaerobe, 2018, 50:1-8.

21. Jin W, Xue Chunxu, Liu Junhua, Yin Yuyang, Zhu Weiyun, Mao Shengyong. Effects of disodium fumarate on in vitro rumen fermentation, the production of lipopolysaccharide and biogenic amines, and the rumen bacterial community. Current Microbiology, 2017, 74(11):1337-1342.

22. Jin W, Cheng Y, Zhu W. The community structure of Methanomassiliicoccales in the rumen of Chinese goats and its response to a high-grain diet. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2017, 8 (1):47.

23. Jin W, Meng Z, Wang J, Cheng Y, Zhu W. Effect of nitrooxy compounds with different molecular structures on the rumen methanogenesis, metabolic profile, and methanogenic community. Current Microbiology, 2017, 74(8):891-898.

24. Li Yuanfei, Jin W, Mu Chunlong, Cheng Yanfen, Zhu Weiyun. Indigenously associated methanogens intensified the metabolism in hydrogenosomes of anaerobic fungi with xylose as substrate. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 2017, 57(11):933-940.

25. 金巍, 刘军花, 李袁飞, 成艳芬, 朱伟云. 甲烷菌对厌氧真菌不同碳源代谢的影响.微生物学报. 2017, 57(5): 1-6

26. Li M*, Jin W* (*并列第一), Li Y, Zhao L, Cheng Y, Zhu W. Spatial dynamics of the bacterial community structure in the gastrointestinal tract of red kangaroo (Macropus rufus). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 32(6):98.

27. Jin W*, Cheng Yanfen*, Mao Shengyong, Zhu Weiyun. Discovery of a novel rumen methanogen in the anaerobic fungal culture and its distribution in the rumen as revealed by real-time PCR. BMC Microbiology, 2014, 14: 104.

28. Jin W*, Cheng Y*, Mao S, Zhu W. Isolation of natural cultures of anaerobic fungi and indigenously associated methanogens from herbivores and their bioconversion of lignocellulosic materials to methane. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102 (17): 7925-7931.



1. 金巍,成艳芬,朱伟云. 一种甲烷菌及其应用. 专利号ZL201910072411.4.

2. 金巍,毛胜勇,朱伟云. 甲烷菌LGM-DZ1及其分离纯化方法和应用. 专利号ZL202210276389.7.




