刘春卉-美高梅正规网址(www.9844.com)MSW教育中心-www.9844.com-www.9844.com www.9844.com 电子邮箱: lch@lucky-special.com社会职务:《经济地理》杂志社青年编委一、论文著述:1、Liu C, Song W, Zhou C. Unsuccessful urban governance of brownfield land redevelopment: A lesson from the toxic soil event in Changzhou, China[J]. Sustainability, 2017,..." />


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发布时间:2022/07/06 访问次数:

姓 名: 刘春卉   职 称: 助理研究员

毕业院校: 南京大学 最高学位: 博士 从事专业: 农村区域发展

研究方向: 城乡社会空间分异,环境治理与政策研究

来源:美高梅正规网址-美高梅正规网址-www.9844.com 电子邮箱: lch@lucky-special.com



1、Liu C, Song W, Zhou C. Unsuccessful urban governance of brownfield land redevelopment: A lesson from the toxic soil event in Changzhou, China[J]. Sustainability, 2017, 9(5): 824. 

2、Liu C, Hu N, Song W, et al.Aquaculture Feeds Can Be Outlaws for Eutrophication When Hidden in Rice Fields? A Case Study in Qianjiang, China[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019, 16(22): 4471. 

3、宋伟轩, 刘春卉*, 汪毅, 等. 基于 “租差” 理论的城市居住空间中产阶层化研究——以南京内城为例[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(12): 2115-2130.

4、宋伟轩, 刘春卉*. 长三角一体化区域城市商品住宅价格分异机理研究[J]. 地理研究, 2018, 37(1): 92-102. 

5、宋伟轩, 王聪, 刘春卉*. 中国大城市新建中产阶层化现象的供给端解析[J]. 人文地理, 2018, 33(3): 27-33. 

6、Wu Q, Liu C, Zhang H X. Urban education differentiation and its socio-economic consequences: An internet–survey-based structural equation modeling analysis of new white collar workers in Nanjing, China[J]. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2017, 48: 1-9. 



