GCHERA WAP Work Meeting was held at NJAU-Welcome to China Coordinating Office for GCHERA WAP-www.9844.com


GCHERA WAP Work Meeting was held at NJAU
- Oct 29, 2018

On Oct. 27, 2018, GCHERA - NJAU GCHERA WAP Management Committee Meeting was held at NJAU. Representatives from GCHERA and NJAU discussed affairs concerning the 2018 awarding ceremony, the 2019 GCHERA WAP Terms and Conditions and nomination procedures, budget planning and taxation, GCHERA WAP logo design, expanding the membership of the GCHERA WAP Jury to achieve a wider spread of disciplinary converage, and the classification of developing and emerging economies. It was agreed that the definition of developed and emerging/developing economies would remain the same as in 2018. Thus any nominee coming from a country not listed in the agreed list of “developed” countries would be classified as coming from a developing/emerging economy. It was further agreed that nominees in the category of “developing” country should have been employed by a university or research institute, and conducted at least 70% of their teaching, research and service in a developing country. 

By ZHANG Song, WANG Yingshuang




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