Department of Physics-College of美高梅正规网址

There are thirteen high-quality teachers in the Department of Physics, including two professors and four associate professors. The two professors are also Ph.D. student supervisors. Among all the teachers, six have doctoral degree (46%). One teacher has been awarded as ‘Six Table Peaks Scholar’ and ‘Jiangsu Qinlan Project Scholar’, one teacher has been awarded as the “Zhongshan Academic Young Researcher”, two teachers are the ‘High Quality Teaching Models’ of Nanjing Agriculture University.

The Physics Department has two platforms, one is the general physics lab platform and the other is an isotope lab. The physics department takes responsibility of teaching Physics I, Physics II, Digital Circuit, Physics Lab I and Physics Lab II for all the university students, which sums up to 4000 classes per year.

The physics department is qualified to award the doctor degree and master degree for biophysics. Our main research areas include: protein structure and function, protein engineering and drug design, biological electromagnetic effect, Light and biological function, nanomaterial. Scientific grants include the National Science Foundation of China, National Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, etc. Up to now, high quality peer-reviewed papers have been published, including those with SCI impact factor higher than 10.