Research Overview-THE ACADEMY OF美高梅正规网址

Research and Programs
Research Overview

  Since the “12th Five-Year”, NAU has received research fund as 5.233 billion RMB in total, of which 4.499 billion is of vertical research funding, mainly granted by government departments such as Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Science and Technology Department of Jianfsu Province, Agricultural Commission of Jianfsu Province, and so on. Specifically, the researchers have had 12 key projects approved and sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology with a total funding of 331.0415 million RMB, 1264 projects approved and sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China with a total funding of 789.52 million RMB, 20 projects sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology with a total funding as 172.97 million RMB, 12 special industrial public-welfare projects sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs with a total funding of 190.85 million RMB, 42 '948' Programs sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs with a total funding of 41.75 million RMB, and so on and so forth.



CopyRight 2018. The Academy of Science, Nanjing Agricultural University